GPS Positioning

The ROV autopilot is capable of utilizing an external positioning system to perform autonomous maneuvers like station keeping, 'click to go here', transects, and pre-planned waypoint missions. All GPS/positioning functionality in LekirSub is IN DEVELOPMENT. The position-enabled flight modes are not considered stable. However, a positioning system may be integrated in order to display the position of the vehicle on the Ground Control Station map. This can be done without making use of the position-enabled flight modes, and this sort of operation is considered stable.

Forwarding NMEA data to companion

The first step to using LekirSub with a positioning system is to get the positioning system data into the autopilot. The Companion computer in the ROV listens for NMEA data on udp port 27000. You can forward NMEA data to this port, and the ROV will automatically use that for it's gps position. The NMEA data can come from a USBL or other positioning system, or from an application that is synthesizing a GPS position using computer vision, motion capture, or other means. A useful application for bridging NMEA data between a COM port on the surface computer and the udp port on the ROV is the NMEA Router by Neal Arundale.

The positioning system must report the number of satellites, and the satellites must be greater than 6 for the autopilot to accept the position as a valid lock. When a valid position and lock is detected by the autopilot, the main LED on the autopilot will change from blue to green.

On a pi terminal, enter the command screen -r nmearx to see if the data is correctly making it's way into the ROV system. Enter ctrl+A, then d to 'detach' from the screen and return to the pi terminal.

Autopilot configuration

There is some configuration that needs to be done on the autopilot in order for the absolute positioning to perform correctly. These parameters need to be set:

  • GPS_TYPE = MAV(14) (This is done automatically by the same application that listens for data on port 27000)
  • EK2_GPS_TYPE = 2D Position(2) (We don't want to use the 3D position, we get very good depth measurements from the pressure sensor)

The Autopilot and the positioning system need to agree on where North is. Turn the vehicle until the autopilot indicates that it is facing north, and check that the positioning system reports the same heading. If the positioning system does not provide a heading estimate for the vehicle, move the vehicle forward towards North, and make sure that the positioning system reflects this accurately.

If the two systems do not agree on North:

  • Calibrate the compass on the autopilot
  • Verify the magnetic heading of the autopilot, change the COMPASS_DEC parameter if neccessary
  • Offset the positioning system heading to match the autopilot heading. If this is not possible offset the autopilot heading with the COMPASS_DEC parameter to match the positioning system heading

The autopilot navigation filter needs to be tuned to the characteristics of the positioning system. Many factors can affect the tuning requirements including: Accuracy/precision of the positioning system, position update frequency, position update delay behind inertial measurements, etc. The navigation filter parameters can be found here.

If the position-enabled flight modes are to be used, the autopilot position controller needs to be tuned. In QGC, check the 'Show advanced settings' option in the General tab of the Application Setup menu, and restart the application. There will be a Tuning tab on the Vehicle Setup page that can be used to facilitate tuning the position controller. The parameters of interest are those with 'XY' in the name in the 'Position Controller' section.

Sending GPS position to ROV

It's possible to send position information to the ROV via socket or MAVLink message. This is an alternative for using a system that does not provide NMEA output. I.e: SLAM, visual odometry and etc.

Socket via MAVProxy

The GPSInput module (command module load GPSInput inside MAVProxy command line) of MAVProxy can be used to send position information to the ROV, this module uses socket communication to allow a simple interface layer. The default port is 25100 but can be changed with the parameterGPSInput.port (command set GPSInput.port port_number). The GPS_TYPE parameter of the vehicle need to be MAV to allow the communication.


import time
import socket
import json

from os import system

sockit = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sockit.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

while True:
    result = {}
    result['time_usec'] = 0             #Timestamp (micros since boot or Unix epoch)
    result['gps_id'] = 0                #ID of the GPS for multiple GPS inputs
    result['ignore_flags'] = 8|16|32    #Flags indicating which fields to ignore (see GPS_INPUT_IGNORE_FLAGS enum). All other fields must be provided.
    result['time_week_ms'] = 0          #GPS time (milliseconds from start of GPS week)
    result['time_week'] = 0             #GPS week number
    result['fix_type'] = 3              #0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix. 4: 3D with DGPS. 5: 3D with RTK
    result['lat'] = 0                   #Latitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7
    result['lon'] = 0                   #Longitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7
    result['alt'] = 0                   #Altitude (AMSL, not WGS84), in m (positive for up)
    result['hdop'] = 1                  #GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position in m
    result['vdop'] = 1                  #GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position in m
    result['vn'] = 0                    #GPS velocity in m/s in NORTH direction in earth-fixed NED frame
    result['ve'] = 0                    #GPS velocity in m/s in EAST direction in earth-fixed NED frame
    result['vd'] = 0                    #GPS velocity in m/s in DOWN direction in earth-fixed NED frame
    result['speed_accuracy'] = 0        #GPS speed accuracy in m/s
    result['horiz_accuracy'] = 0        #GPS horizontal accuracy in m
    result['vert_accuracy'] = 0         #GPS vertical accuracy in m
    result['satellites_visible'] = 0    #Number of satellites visible.
    result = json.dumps(result)
    sockit.sendto(result.encode(), ('', 25100))

Check in Developers/pymavlink section.

Sponsored by Blue Robotics. Code released under the GPLv3 License. Documentation released under the CC-NC-SA 4.0.
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